He felt as if he was in a computer game.
I asked him if, at some point, he`d recognized that what was happening could be only from his imagination. He replied “no”, it all seemed real and it was like an "uncontrollable impulse."
Then I asked him what did he feel about all those past events and his response was surprising: “nothing”. He felt absolutely nothing.
He was aware of his illness, the importance of continuing to take the medication, he was grateful for the concern and help of his family and friends and, after being discharged from the Hospital, he planned to get a job in the area he was an expert. However, he emphasized the apathy he felt about everything, all the emotions and feelings he didn`t have.
Throughout the interview, I found myself thinking how unfair the life of this young man was. He was good-looking, intelligent, had a good sense of humor, among other qualities that would envy anyone of us, but, due to an illness from which he had no guilt or control, he was living an "empty accommodated" life.
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